Hello World - Hello Blog

Jan 9

This is the first post of my new blog.

The aim is to write up what I'm learning while I build. I'm hoping that this will help me to learn more deeply and to share what I'm learning with others.

This Blog

This website / blog is made using a few technologies that I like - some I've used before and some are new to me.

The big ones

Some additional libraries

MDX Demonstration

Just a quick demo of MDX.


I've included an 'Aside' in my markdown file:

<Aside styled>
  This is an aside - hopefully it will allow me to draw attention to points that
  I don't want to include in the body text.

This is an aside - hopefully it will allow me to draw attention to points that I don't want to include in the body text.

This is a little JSX component that calls an API I created to fetch a website and return the open-graph data to allow me to render links to other webpages I have created nicely.

For example, I wrote this Jypyter notebook on Kaggle to explain how to use Binary splits to create a baseline model for the (yes, well used) Titanic dataset:

<LinkPreview url="https://www.kaggle.com/code/greensamiam/titanic-dataset-a-single-binary-split" />

With the resulting output being as follows:

Code blocks

I can create codeblocks and highlight imporant parts for you.

For example, below is a codeblock that shows some code for the LinkPreview component:

async function getPreivewData(url: string) {
  const res = await fetch(API + `?url=${url}`);
  const data = await res.json();
  return data;
export const LinkPreview = ({ url }: { url: string }) => {
  const [data, setData] = useState<PreviewData | null>(null);
  useEffect(() => {
    getPreivewData(url).then((data) => setData(data));
  }, [url]);
  if (!data) {
    return null;
  return <PreviewCard data={data}>;


This is just a quick post to kick-start the year, but I hope it allows you to explore the technologies I've used to build this blog should you want to create a similar one.

You can follow my progress here if you like: